Re-directing humanities mis-identification with reality to that of SOUL SIGHT

If I say ‘I’ am thinking. Or ‘I’ think. Who is the ‘I’ I speak of? 

As the body ages does the witness observing the alterations ultimately change? 

Are you less loveable by your family when you reside in an older body than a younger body? Or do you love your family members less when their body changes? 

If the answer is no, then in terms of your family; your identification of who they are surpasses the bodily concept.

Shifting our mis-identifications as a humanity from relishing in that which fades & is fleeting with the eternal view.

Perhaps many of us can agree on the epidemic of mental health issues in society. Since our true identities are on the eternal soul platform it’s an incompatible situation to live falsely identitying with the opposite of who we are being all things material. This only reinforces anxiety.

Asking questions helps.

We’re we taught this higher soul knowledge in school? Has what we were taught and current societal constructs created a world of well adjusted, selfless, compassionate, abundantly healthy and inspired humans on all levels ? 

Enter Maha mantra meditation. Upon studying asana intensively for years I read in my Vaisnava Tantra lineage ancient śastric texts how asana isn’t spiritual. I felt so resistant to this statement.

It wasn’t until I reluctantly began the experiment with this profound and mystical Mantra that what I could not perceive, feel & hear I could perceive, feel and hear.

As one progresses on the ‘spiritual’ path, many layers & experiences of ego dissolution ensue. Often not easy to face as Ego death often accompanies the realization that you are not the things you've identified with and that your "ego," or sense of self, is made up of. This may come multiple times for the super sincere. 

The last sticking point of the ego’s identifications being the fear of death. 

With SOUL-sight reality transforms.

Soul in Sanskrit is Saccidananda; meaning, eternal, full of joy & all knowing.

Control turns into surrender. Fear into fearlessness knowing your imperishable eternality and the requirement of so many mental designations & identifications to feel ok transform into the souls knowing that it is already complete & Gods grand design is perfect. 

This is my favourite topic. The transcending of the minds circus, various types of karmas and conditionings to reveal the perfection of who we’ve been all along. 

“You do not have to change yourself yet dissolve what you are not to reveal who you’ve been all along” - premise of classical non dual Tantra. 

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ~ Rumi 

The spiritual path is like walking a razors edge, where you die to your identifications and beliefs again and again. 

While at university I wrote papers proving the existence of the soul from a scientific perspective. Fascinating. So much to share here yet just a small part relating to creation ➸

Streams of Quantum science are confirming what the deepest Yogic sciences have been teaching for millinea. The conclusion of quantum physicists I studied at university is ‘watchmaker on the moor’ & contingency theory. 

They conclude that in order for any matter to become form it must be observed by ONE observer to impregnate creation. That ultimately for there to be a watch there has to be a watchmaker.

When we realise our happiness and anxiety levels rely on one main decision in life everything changes.

Identify with the temporary.


Identify with the eternal.

Yogic science shares you are soul. We are soul. Each of us eternal Jivas each a cup from the ocean of God.

Same in quality not quantity. For eg you, like I, will never make the sun rise.

To continue to base ones happiness and sense of success on that which is dying and fades eg your body, others bodies, assets, status etc etc etc will only perpetuate societal discord.

Why? Because this mis identification is based upon the notion that by controlling and manipulating that which is temporary one can attain happiness.

Turning this notion on its head is where the real juice is.

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