Yoni Steaming and herbs

Yoni, what is yoni? Natures gateway to all births. In sanskrit the terms means womb, source, vagina. Steaming has multiple benefits and is an ancient practice where a variety of herbs can be utilised. You can dry some roses, lavender and find uses for more herbs below…

Yoni steam ingredients generally involve some combination of the following herbs:

  • Basil (cleansing)

  • Rosemary (anti-bacterial and anti-microbial)

  • Oregano (antiseptic)

  • Calendula (anti-inflammatory)

  • Motherwort (cleansing, pain-relieving)

  • Mugwort (all purpose)

  • Lavender (anti-microbial)

  • Marigolds (anti-inflammatory)

  • Thyme (anti-bacterial and anti-microbial)

Each herb used for steaming has its own unique benefits, and the right herbs for your mixture depend on your specific needs and wants.

Yoni Steam Benefits

There are many benefits of yoni steaming. It functions as a natural and simple method of cleansing and detoxifying. Yoni steaming can also aid in maintaining reproductive health, increasing fertility, and balancing hormones, which can help to regulate periods and ease unpleasant symptoms of menstruation such as cramps, headaches, and vaginal discomfort. 

Benefits are manifold, especially for those who suffer from painful or irregular periods, are looking to increase fertility, or are experiencing general discomfort. Yoni steam benefits are more than just physical. The practice has been used for ages to encourage mental and emotional wellbeing by improving symptoms of depression, anxiety, and fatigue.

Yoni steaming provides benefits through natural herbs that soothe, balance, and nourish the reproductive system without disrupting the natural environment of the vagina and uterus.

Many people report experiencing a sense of relaxation after steaming, and choose to incorporate the practice into their self-care regimen.

Enjoy the calming benefits

With love,


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